Old Narrow Gauge Rail Trail
The narrow gauge trail, which starts just south of the Goggins IGA entrance on Water St, extends easterly from the Kennebec River through Randolph and Chelsea. The trail used to link the River and the Togus Veterans Home during the 1800's and was known as the Kennebec Central Railroad. A small but dedicated group of volunteers has begun to refurbish the trail with the goal of making a desirable hiking and biking trail for the public. During the summer of 2003, the group cut brush and "opened up" the trail from Water St (Rt 27) to Windsor St (Rt 226). They continue to maintain this section. In October 2005, the group improved a section from Windsor St easterly by adding a substantial amount of gravel to provide a smooth walking surface. In the future, they plan to construct a sturdy bridge across Togus Brook.
The website has some limited info and history.
Plus, they will take all the help they can get from folks around the area........
Across the Kennebec River, there is also the Kennebec River Rail Trail that extends from Gardiner to Augusta. Info on that trail can be found at www.krrt.org