Past Meetings

September 17, 2024 -- Special Town Meeting -- 

July 31, 2024 -- Annual Town Meeting-- 

April 16, 2024 -- Special Town Meeting -- meeting lasted 10 minutes with16 citizens voting affirmatively for borrowing  $1.3M for School Street reconstruction

July 26, 2023 -- Annual Town Meeting-- after a special tribute to Sonny James for his 56 years working for the town, 21 citizens spent 38 minutes to pass 48 articles

April 4, 2023 -- Special Town Meeting -- meeting lasted 33 minutes with about 20 citizens.  5 articles were approved relating to accepting federal funds for new fire station, updating the Land Use ordinance, funding new office flooring, and partnering with DOT on a drainage project along School and Water streets.

July 27, 2022 -- Annual Town Meeting-- 20 citizens spent 39 minutes to pass 50 articles, including a $5K donation to Johnson Hall operations.

March 8, 2022 -- Special Town Meeting -- meeting lasted less than 5 minutes and focused strictly on the Coronovirus local fiscal recovery funds (ARPA)--- about $180,000.   It passed unanimously.

July 28, 2021 -- Annual Town Meeting-- just under 30 citizens spent 58 minutes to pass all 51 articles, including a $100K donation to the capital campaign of the Boys/Girls Club.
July 30, 2020 --
 Annual Town Meeting-- due to 2020 Coronovirus, 30 citizens spent 43 minutes at Farrins Auction House to pass all articles, including funds for a new Fire Station.

June 8, 2020 -- Special Town Meeting -- a dozen citizens spent five (5) minutes to unanimously approve a change to a Land Use district boundary off north Water St from Residential to Commercial to accomodate a planned solar panel field 

July 24, 2019 -- Annual Town Meeting-- 40 citizens spent 76 minutes to pass all 51 articles, including funds for a new LED streetlights and 2 new ordinances.

July 25, 2018 -- Annual Town Meeting-- about 35 citizens spent 45 minutes to pass all 44 articles, including funds for a new (used) fire truck.

September 26, 2017 -- Special Town Meeting -- 16 citizens spent seven (7) minutes to unanimously approve 1) a new changeable sign ordinance, and 2) changes to the Land Use ordinance and some district boundaries off north Water St 

July 26, 2017 -- Annual Town Meeting-- 37 citizens spend only 37 minutes to pass all 48 articles on a pleasant evening. An ordinance was also passed to prohibit all aspects of retail marijuana operations in town.

July 27, 2016 -- Annual Town Meeting-- about 33 folks spend only 70 minutes to pass all 49 articles on a hot and humid evening. 

July 29, 2015 -- Annual Town Meeting-- about 40 folks spend 2 1/2 hours to cover 46 articles on a steamy evening. 

July 23, 2014 -- Annual Town Meeting-- about 75 folks spend 2 1/2 hours to cover 43 articles on a very warm evening. 

June 17, 2014 -- Special Town Meeting -- about 30 citizens unanimously approve the town's 1st two new "tax increment financing" Districts........ one for the proposed Randolph Hardware store and the other for the Summit gas pipe line along Water Street. Meeting was 80 minutes.

May 29, 2014 -- Special Town Meeting-- eight citizens approve a new 2013 Comprehensive Plan and a new ordinance on Road Opening permits...... in 20 minutes.

October 2, 2013 -- Special Town Meeting -- about 70 people spend an hour discussing an easement on town property for Summit Gas Co. to install a regulator station and main line gas valve. 

July 24, 2013 --
Annual Town Meeting -- about 60 residents spend just over 2 hours to consider 39 articles.

June 11, 2013 --
Special Town Meeting -- 24 residents approve expense of $12,700 in 12 minutes for demolition of structures at 104 Kinderhook St 

July 25, 2012 -- Annual Town Meeting-- just over 70 folks spend 2 3/4 hours to cover 43 articles on a very warm evening.  All articles approved along with two ordinance approvals.

July 27, 2011 -- Annual Town Meeting-- about 55 folks spend 95 minutes to cover 43 articles.  All articles approved along with some ordinance approvals or amendments.

May 31, 2011 --
Special Town Meeting-- 10 folks adopt a revised Floodplain Ordinance in 7 minutes

July 21, 2010-- Annual Town Meeting-- 75 folks attend for 2 1/2 hours to cover 34 articles on very warm evening.  All articles approved along with 2 ordinance amendments.

July 29, 2009-- 
Annual Town Meeting-- about 50  attendees take 2 hours to approve almost all articles; accept $333K USDA grant and $417K loan  for sewer work; vote 23-19 to exceed State tax levy limit.

July 23, 2008-- Annual Town Meeting-- over 100 attendees; 2 1/2 hours and much discussion as Selectmen recommendations were different than Budget Committee's on many articles; accepted 3 roads as new townways in Kempton subdivision 

April 15, 2008 -- Special Town Meeting to 1) change Land Use map for property near Randolph Takeout store, and 2) to fund sewer system studies, engineering, and planning efforts.  About 25 citizens vote unanimously on both articles within 50 minutes.

February 19, 2008 -- Special Town Meeting held to consider adoption of Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance.  About a dozen citizens approved the article in 20 minutes.

September 12, 2007 -- Special Town Meeting held to change tax due date from Sept. 12 to Oct. 19 due to delay in finishing townwide revaluation.  16 attendees approved the article in 25 minutes.

July 25, 2007-- Annual Town Meeting -- about 65 attendees; 90 minutes and all articles passed, except one. Official meeting minutes are above.

July 26, 2006 -- Annual Town Meeting -- about 65 attendees; 36 minutes and all articles passed.

April 25, 2006 -- Special Town Meeting held to adopt new Sewer Ordinance.  Meeting took 5 minutes and attended by staff, 2 selectmen, and 4 people.

July 20, 2005 -- Annual Town Meeting -- about 85 people attended, 85 minutes (and hot!)

May 17, 2005 -- Special Town Meeting to approve 13 articles dealing with many changes to the Land Use Ordinance, the Shoreland Zone Ordinance, and repeal the 1985 Mobile Home Ordinance.  After 70 minutes of discussion among about 20 people, all articles were approved.

April 26, 2005 -- Special Town Meeting to vote to authorize the Selectmen to enter into a lease with Verizon to lease town property for the erection of a cell tower.  After 23 minutes of discussion, the affirmative vote was unanimous.  About 25 people attended.

June 21, 2004 -- Annual Town Meeting – about 60 attended, 78 minutes

May 11, 2004  Special Meeting to adjust Land Use map boundaries on the north end of town.  Planning Board recommended to Selectmen to change property currently zoned as "residential" to "urban residential".  After 40 minutes of discussion, vote was affirmative except for 2 nays.  About 21 people attended.

March 30, 2004  Special Meeting to 1) accept $57K+ of FEMA funds for Fire Dept equipment, 2) accept up to $400K from State for Kinderhook water line replacement & road construction, 3) make the road's capital improvement account a dedicated account, 4) borrow up to $20K from Revolving Loan fund for K'hook St project, and 5) accept a new sewer ordinance.  All votes were affirmative except for the sewer ordinance which was voted down because it needs further work --- about 60 people attended.

July 30, 2003 Annual Town Meeting

December 3, 2002 Special Meeting to accept 3 grants from MMA for $4,424 for new Fire Department equipment -- affirmative vote

October 29, 2002 Special Meeting to 1) purchase new fire truck, and 2) sell old fire truck --- about 30 people in attendance -- affirmative vote

July 31, 2002 Annual Town Meeting – after 3 separate votes taken, Gardiner Library was not funded for $15,343

October 30, 2001 Special Town Meeting to borrow money for unexpected and emergency repairs to old Fire Truck – about 20 people in attendance -- affirmative vote

July 25, 2001 Annual Town Meeting – about 44 attended, 35 minutes

January 10, 2001 Special Meeting to sell Angie Kent property next to new Town Office --- about 8 people in attendance --- affirmative vote

July 26, 2000 Annual Town Meeting – 24 minutes !

June 27, 2000 Special Meeting to borrow $2.47 million for sewer reconstruction on several streets -- about 40 people in attendance -- affirmative vote

September 22, 1999 Special Meeting to 1) purchase new sewer machine (affirmative vote), 2) become a member of Kennebec Regional Development Authority (affirmative vote), and 3) appropriate money to enter into Interlocal Revenue Sharing with Oakland (negative vote) -- about 40 people in attendance

July 28, 1999 Annual Town Meeting plus adopted 2 new ordinances – a new Subdivision ordinance and a new "Land Use and Development" ordinance -- about 50 attended

February 3, 1999 Special Meeting to 1) approve $150K bond for permanent financing of new Town Office, and 2) take $30K for engineering study and monitoring equipment for combined sewer overflow system - about 20 people in attendance -- affirmative vote

July 22, 1998 Annual Town Meeting plus adopted a new ordinance for the regulation of "storage and disposal of garbage and junk"– a proposed ordinance for swimming pools did not pass – 32 attended

April 16, 1998 Special Meeting to 1) borrow $50K from Revolving Loan Fund for new Town Office construction, and 2) borrow $150K for new Town Office construction -- about 50 people in attendance affirmative vote

January 28, 1998 Special Meeting to borrow up to $70K for ice storm damage affirmative vote

December 3, 1997 Special Meeting to borrow $20K for engineering study on infiltration to sewer system – affirmative vote

July 23, 1997 Annual Town Meeting plus adopted new NFPA Life Safety Code Ordinance and denied a new Subdivision Ordinance

October 30, 1996 Special Meeting to buy Angie Kent property for $84K – affirmative vote

July 31, 1996 Annual Town Meeting plus enacted e-911 Ordinance, adopted 1996 Comprehensive Plan

July 27, 1995 Annual Town Meeting

July 27, 1994 Annual Town Meeting

July 28, 1993 Annual Town Meeting plus amended Sewer Ordinance – 35 attended, 43 minutes long

July 13, 1993 Special Meeting to borrow $33K to complete Barber road sewer project -- affirmative vote

July 29, 1992 Annual Town Meeting – about 70 attended

February 25, 1992 Annual Town Meeting for 6 month period of Jan. to June 1992 – also enacted amendments to Harbor Ordinance to include requirements for smelt shack registration and fees.

September 17, 1991 Special Town Meeting to settle litigation over McLaughlin property on Windsor St

June 25, 1991 Special Town Meeting to 1) enact new Shoreland Zoning Ordinance, 2) change Town’s fiscal year from January-December to July-June, 3) change the Sewer Ordinance, 4) adopt a Board of Appeals Ordinance, and 5) adopt a recycling ordinance

March 12, 1991 Annual Town Meeting -- 23 articles, amend winter parking ordinance

January 2, 1991 Special Town Meeting -- accept Brookview Drive, Brookview Court, Lewis Ave and McKenna Drive as townways ; amend Dog Control ordinance

March 20, 1990 Annual Town Meeting

March 14, 1989 Annual Town Meeting

March 21, 1988 Annual Town Meeting

April 13, 1987 Annual Town Meeting