November 3, 2015 -- 1 referendum + 2 bond issues + local seats
270 voters, vote counters finished about 9:20 PM
Citizen Initiative on Maine Campaign financing
YES 130 (47.0%) NO 138 (53.0%)
Question 2: Bond Issue for $15M for low income senior housing
YES 191 (60.2%) NO 79 (39.8%)
Question 3: Bond Issue for $85M for highways, bridges, and other transportation facilities
YES 193 (60.2%) NO 75 (39.8%)
Henderson -- 236
Drost -- 207
D. Kalloch -- 243
MSAD #11 School Board (2 seats)
J. Garvin -- 199
J. Garvin -- 199
Many write-ins will be decided by Board of Selectmen