November 6, 2018 -- Congress, state and local races, 4 bond issues and 1 citizen initiative
829 voters, vote counters finished about 10:30 PM
Citizen Initiative on new tax for "universal home care"
YES 296 (36.3%) NO 519 (63.7%)
Question 2: Bond Issue for $30M for wastewater treatment plants & assist homeowners with faulty systems
YES 418 (51.6%) NO 392 (48.4%)
Question 3: Bond Issue for $106M for highways, bridges, ports, railroads, airports, etc + $5M for municipal culverts on streams (will match $137M in fed aid)
YES 519 (63.9%) NO 293 (36.1%)
Question 4: Bond Issue for $49M to modernize facilities at Maine public universities (will match $49M in other funds)
YES 391 (48.3%) NO 418 (51.7%)
Question 5: Bond Issue for $15M to modernize all 7 Maine community colleges
YES 472 (58%) NO 341 (42%)
Moody -- 375 (45.5%)
Mills --384 (46.6%)
Hayes -- 58 (7.0%)
Caron -- 7 (0.9%)
Stone-- 349 (42.8%)
Hanley-- 476 (58.3%)
Putnam -- 340 (41.7%)
Clark -- 367 (46%)
Sullivan -- 387 (48.4%)
Pietroski -- 362 (44.9%)
Tracey -- 259 (38.2%)