November 3, 2009 -- 7 referenda
#1 -- "reject the new law that lets same sex couples marry..."
YES -- 517 (61%) NO -- 325(39%)
#2 -- "cut the rate of municipal excise tax by an average of 55%..."
NO -- 658(78%) YES -- 184(22%)
#3 -- "repeal the 2007 law on school consolidation..."
NO -- 454(55%) YES -- 368(45%)
#4 -- " change the existing laws that limit state and local spending andd require referendum voting..." (TABOR 2)
NO -- 508(61%) YES -- 325(39%)
#5 -- "change medical marijuana laws..."
YES -- 435(52%) NO -- 403(48%)
#6 -- "favor a $71.25 M bond issue for transportation facilities and Lifeflight..."
YES -- 519(62%) NO -- 313(38%)
#7 -- "amending the State Constitution to increase time to certify citizen initiatives..."
NO -- 442(54%) YES -- 375(46%)