November 5, 2013 -- 5 referenda + local seats

The ballot counters finished counting by 9:45 PM.  322 voters.

Selectman (1 seat): Mark Roberts -- 149, Patricia Putnam -- 81, Douglas Clark -- 67
Budget Committee (4 seats):  Peter Coughlan -- 247, Peter Oakes -- 218, plus several write-ins

MSAD #11 School Board:  Amber Carr (write in) -- 57 

#1 -- "....$14M bond for repair of Me Air National Guard centers to match Federal funds"?
 YES -- 215 (67.6%)            NO -- 103 (32.4%)

#2 -- "$15.5M bond to enhance opportunities for Maine citizens by updating facilities at UMaine system statewide..."
YES --  188 (59.3%)           NO -- 129 (40.7%)

#3 -- "$100M bond for statewide transporation infrastructure improvements to match $154M in federal and other funds..."
YES --  233 (74.7%)           NO -- 79 (25.3%)

#4 -- "$4.5M bond for a public-private partnership to build a new science building at Me Maritime Academy to match other funds..."
YES -- 159 (50.3%)             NO -- 157 (49.7%)

#5 -- "$15.5M bond to upgrade facilities and labs at 7 campuses of Me Community College System to increase capacity for more students..."
YES --  206 (64.6%)            NO --  113 (35.4%)