If you have questions concerning your taxes, please contact the Town Tax Collector, Jessica Soucy at 582-5808.
For property valuation questions, you will have to talk to the Town's Tax Assessor, William VanTuinen.

Mil rate for fiscal year beginning July 2024 (FY 25) was set at 17.4 in September 2024.
Last year's rate was 18.0
Assessment is 97% of Real Estate Market Value
Randolph's Fiscal Year is July 1st to June 30th.
Town wide revaluation was conducted over summer and fall of 2007.  The status of all taxable property is April 1st.

1st installment due October 22, 2024 
2nd installment due March 12, 2025 
Taxes not paid by the due dates shall be charged interest at a rate of 8.0% per annum. 

Tax maps

These are the tax maps for the town as of April 2024.  All maps are in Adobe Acrobat format (pdf).

Current Tax Year Summary for FY 23

The current tax year runs from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.  The Annual Town Meeting was held on July 26, 2023 and authorized expenditures for a budget which totals $ xxxxxxxx. 

A quick summary follows:
MSAD 11:                $ 1,042,645 (43.1%)
County tax:             $   117,885  ( 4.1%) 
Capital debt:            $  230,000  ( 5.3%)
Municipal services:    $xxxxxxx (47.5%)

The FY 24 mil rate was set in August at 17.4 which is the same as last year's.

Capital debt (as of June 2023) is: xxxxxxx

Past mil rates

A "mil rate" is defined as the number of tax dollars per $1,000 of evaluation of your building and property.  For instance, if your combined evaluation for house and land is $100,000 and the "mil rate" is 18, then 100 x $18 = $1,800.

The current 22/23 mil rate was set in August 2022 at 18.0. Last year's rate was 18.4.